4 Crucial Decisions Before Upgrading Sales and Marketing Technology

 Krista Moon  0 Comments

If upgrading your sales and marketing system is a top priority, consider these 4 foundational questions before you make the final call.

4 Crucial Decisions Before Upgrading Sales and Marketing Technology

Many businesses I talk to want to improve their sales and marketing results but don’t have the technology or resources to do so. Choosing the right strategy and system can be a big challenge. There’s a lot at stake: not getting it right can limit your ability to effectively market and sell your products and services, negatively impacting your growth goals.

If upgrading your sales and marketing system is a top priority, you’ll likely need to consider a system upgrade or adding new skilled human capital. However, navigating this process can be a complex task. It’s important to know who to trust and how to optimize your chances of success. The landscape is becoming increasingly intricate.

Check out the following infographic. It outlines four crucial decisions to make before investing in your sales and marketing system.

[See the Infographic] [Read the 4 Decisions]

4 Crucial Decisions Before Upgrading Sales and Marketing Technology

[Text Version]

Decision 1: People

Any business book you read will tell you people first, then processes. My first recommendation is to start with finding a knowledgeable marketing leader you can trust, whether that’s an internal hire or an outsourced expert. Leverage their expertise to help you develop the strategy, resources, and technology required to get a steady flow of customers.

The interesting thing about technology is that it goes hand-in-hand with choosing a sales and marketing partner. For example, if you’re leaning toward WordPress, you need people who know how to use it: you need the “WordPress” people. If you’re leaning toward a marketing automation tool like HubSpot, you need the “HubSpot” people. Each group has different strategies, philosophies, and processes for how to use technology to drive business growth.

The person or team you get to help should eat their own dog food. As my Dad always says, “You play like you practice!”

Decision 2: Sales and Marketing Plan

Upgrading your sales and marketing system is similar to the process of buying a car: you wouldn’t opt for a Volkswagon Beetle if you have 6 kids. It wouldn’t work. When choosing technology, it’s critical to outline your goals, objectives, and tactics first. Once you know what you want to do and how you want to do it, you can narrow down the functionality you need. At Ascend Business Growth, we always start with the plan before we make any recommendations about technology.

Decision 3: Functionality

Once you have your priorities outlined, you can narrow down what types of functionality are required to get the job done. For example, if you decide that email marketing is going to be a big part of your growth strategy, you know you need something that includes email marketing functionality. If you don’t want to do email marketing, you don’t need it.

Decision 4: All-in-One System vs. Combined Applications

Now you’re getting closer to choosing a sales and marketing system. As mentioned above, if you find a person you trust, they’ll likely have their favorite tools that you’ll want to consider first. But if their tools don’t offer the functionality you need, it’s time to look around. If your chosen marketing partner isn’t down with using different technology or doesn’t know how you may have to consider working with someone else.

Deciding whether you want to go for more of an all-in-one tool that has the majority of the functionality you need or a combination of a variety of technologies stitched together can help narrow the field.


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