2 Examples of How to Make Sales Prospecting Easier

 Krista Moon  0 Comments

As salespeople, we send out a lot of sales prospecting emails. We spend an inordinate amount of time trying to find just the right words to encourage potential customers to engage with us. It's tough.

I continue to be amazed at the technology that allows us to dramatically increase our ability to engage with the right prospects at the right time in the right way.

Example 1: Response from Direct Prospecting Email

Last night before I went to bed I sent off an email to a potential customer. I got to my desk this morning and this is what I found:

simplify sales prospecting

It shows me that the prospect opened my email and what pages he visited on my website as a result. I mean, what more can you ask for? This information is gold. It completely revolutionizes the sales conversation.

Example 2: Engagement Driven By an Email Newsletter

Yesterday, I sent out an email newsletter to my entire contact list. Here's an example of how one of my contacts engaged:

simplify sales prospecting

I noticed the significant engagement from this person, and also that someone else from the company visited my site from the newsletter. I went to their website and noticed it definitely could use some help. Do you think I should give them a call today to see what's up? It's a no-brainer.

I can't guarantee that they are looking for a change, but it is much more effective to call people who are engaging and know who you are than to call someone ice cold.

Sales and marketing alignment is critical. If direct sales emails are driving people to the website, the marketing team better make sure the website is good. If marketing efforts are increasing visits to the website, the sales team better be monitoring and reaching out to contacts showing interest.

You'll see another theme here too. The website is the hub of all sales and marketing activity. It's critical for the success of your sales and marketing campaigns. Jill Konrath, author of three bestselling sales books, said it best when she said, "If your website sucks, it's hard to sell."

(If you want to learn more about the prospecting tool used in these examples, contact us and we'll give you the lowdown.)


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