Achieved Average Web Conversion Rate of 52% Over 6 Months

 Krista Moon  0 Comments

Web conversion rate refers to the rate at which website visitors convert into leads.

This metric is determined by how many people download special content offers from your website. The website visitor has to fill out a form on a special page called a landing page in order to get access to your ebook, guide, kit, webinar, etc.

This report shows that we create landing pages that have high web conversion rates.

Achieved Average Web Conversion Rate of 52% Over 6 Months

For example, on one of the ebooks, we know that if we drive 100 people to that landing page, 58 of them will fill out the form and become a lead!

The 5 keys to getting such high conversion rates are:

  1. Make sure your'e communicating to the right audience.
  2. Offer something that is educational and not 'salesy'.
  3. Have a decent graphic that represents the offer.
  4. 100 words or less on the landing page.
  5. Clear instructions.


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