How To Get Your Sales Team to Start Blogging

 Krista Moon  0 Comments

How To Get Your Sales Team to Start Blogging

Sellers are on the front lines talking to prospects and customers all day long. They have deep company and industry expertise and know what messaging elicits the best responses. If anyone understands what information will resonate with your ideal buyer persona, it’s them.

But too often, sales and marketing are not aligned, and sellers aren’t at the table when it comes to developing the corporate content strategy or lending their experience and expertise to the content creation process. Here are some ideas about how to get your sales team engaged in creating useful blog articles that prospects and customers want to read:

Showcase the Benefits

Anytime you ask someone to adopt a new strategy or behavior, it’s critical they understand how it will benefit them in the long run. When done correctly, sellers can use the blog articles in their one-to-one prospecting efforts to build credibility, keep prospects engaged throughout the buyer journey, and solidify their position. From the marketing side, blogging helps your company get found by prospects actively looking to buy (generates leads!).

Alleviate the Fear of Writing

Most sellers are fairly decent writers because they’re constantly emailing prospects and customers. But they aren’t trained blog writers, and the thought of writing a blog article can seem like a herculean task. What sellers might not know is that there are ways they can create blog articles without actually having to write.

Partnering with a professional blog writer can alleviate the fear of writing and help salespeople be more open to sharing their knowledge and expertise. All the seller has to do is dump their ideas in a recording or interview with the writer. Then, the writer can create blog articles on their behalf. It’s still the seller’s thoughts and ideas, but they didn’t have to spend the energy actually writing the article themselves.

Minimize Their Time Investment

Adding a new activity to an already over-full calendar is stressful indeed. Partnering with a professional blog writer is one way to minimize time investment. Spreading the work out across the team is another great strategy.

Think about it: if your sales team has 10 people, and each person writes 1 blog per month based on their experience in the industry, you would have 10 great blog posts per month! And all the salesperson has to do is create 1 article in a month, which seems pretty reasonable to me.

Once your sales team takes a risk and makes a commitment to start blogging, they’ll start seeing more leads and shorter sales cycles. Then there will be no turning back!


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