One Thing Every Business Can Do to Get Found on Google

 Krista Moon  0 Comments

Find out the one thing every business can do to immediately improve their search rankings for terms and phrases relevant to their company.Business owners that I talk to commonly tell me they are hiring an “SEO Company” or an “SEM Company” to drive organic traffic to their website. Here’s the thing: SEO is not a stand-alone service. It should be the backbone of every marketing initiative you do. In this video, I share the one thing every business can do to get found on Google. Without it, your SEO success will be limited – or non-existent.

How to get found on Google requires a thoughtful and comprehensive approach. However, there is one thing every business can do to immediately improve their search rankings for terms and phrases relevant to their company.

Benefits of Organic Search Traffic

Before we dive into the details, let’s take a moment to review a few reasons why most companies want to show up on a Google search results page.

The first goal of all sales and marketing activity is to get potential buyers to notice you and your business. People won’t buy from you if they don’t know you exist! Today, the majority of buyers search for information on Google before making a purchase. If you don’t show up on the list in a relevant and valuable way, it opens the door for competitors to start building a relationship with your target buyers.

With traditional sales and marketing approaches such as paid advertising or telemarketing, you must continually pay to stay in front of potential buyers. As soon as you stop paying, you disappear. One of the biggest benefits of getting found online is that once a web page starts ranking, customers can find and follow you for years. And it costs less per lead and has a more profitable return on investment.

How to Get Found on Google

One thing you can do to immediately increase search engine rankings is to consistently create and publish optimized web pages. They could be your main web pages, blog articles, landing pages, or any other type of page. The keyword here is optimized pages – if pages aren’t optimized for your target buyer and search engines, you won’t be successful.

After all, you can’t get found if you’re not there or Google indexes you for terms that aren’t relevant to your business.

So there you have it. How to get found on Google or other search engines so potential customers can find you requires consistently updating your web pages and creating blog articles and other interesting content. With a little education and practice, anyone can do it!

If you’d like to write your copy, which I recommend all business leaders do, sign up for our Blog Training Boot Camp for Business Owners On-Demand webinar series. In the end, you’ll be able to write, optimize, and promote web pages and blogs. If you’d rather find an experienced professional to help you, which is also highly valuable even if you are writing your own content, check out this article Role of a Blog Manager (And Why You Need One).


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