Business Growth Blog

Articles by Julie Hansen, Guest Blogger

Julie Hansen, Guest Blogger

Author of Sales Presentations for Dummies. Leveraging the power of acting and improv for greater sales success. Keynote Speaker. Top 50 Sales Blogger.

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3 Sales Presentations Tips for Capturing and Keeping Attention

(Note from Krista: Yes, those are my dogs and they are giving me their full attention. And no, I wasn't showing them a presentation, but you get the idea. 🙂 I couldn't resist using this pic on this post! Now on to Julie's article… )

While there is a wealth of information on how to put together a good PowerPoint deck for your sales presentation — right down to the number of words and size of font on each slide, little attention is given on how a presenter can interact with those PPT slides in order to ensure his or her message resonates with the audience.

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