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Short Version 1
Leaders who want to increase net new customers need a business development strategy that consistently opens doors with target accounts. In this interview with Caryn Kopp, Chief Door Opener® at Kopp Consulting, she'll share what it takes to get executive-level meetings in 2022.
Short Version 2
Taking a potential client with no idea who you are to being interested in a meeting takes a thoughtful and skillful approach. Set your team up for success, and join Krista and Caryn for this lively discussion, Strategies Working Now in Business Development. Caryn runs a team of business developers who do business development for other companies every day and knows what approaches get results.
Long Version
Leaders who want to increase net new customers need a business development strategy that consistently opens doors with target accounts. In this interview with Caryn Kopp, Chief Door Opener® at Kopp Consulting, she'll share what it takes to get executive-level meetings in 2022.
Caryn runs a team of business developers who do business development for other companies every day and knows what approaches get results. Reserve your virtual seat to join in the conversation about:
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Taking a potential client with no idea who you are to being interested in a meeting takes a thoughtful and skillful approach. Set your team up for success, and join Krista and Caryn for this lively discussion! Sign up today.
If you have questions or need more information, please contact